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The Thematic Refrain in" The fire Sermon and Death by water"

The Thematic Refrain in" The fire Sermon and Death by water"                                          Thomas stearns Eliot was born at st. Louis, Missouri, an industrial city in the centre of the U.S.A. The boy Eliot was first sent to school at st. Louis day school. At school he was considerd a brilliant student and was a gold medal for Latin. Eliot gave up teaching and enterd the foreign department of Lloyds Bank, where he worked dealing with "documentary bills, acceptances , and foreign exchange." The publication of the waste land attracted wide interest, its technique was widely imitated and it influenced even those who were not conscious imitators. Eliot's career as a poet may be divided into five phases or periods:(1) The first phase- The poems of this period are immatur...
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Main Dekhu Teri Photo Lyrics

Main dekhu teri photo Sau sau baar kurhey aye Main dekhu teri photo Sau sau baar kurhey aye Ki uthdey tofaan seenein vich Sau sau baar kurhey aye Ki uthdey tofaan seenein vich Sau sau baar kurhey aye Tuh sapney mein Aa hee jaati hey ae Tuh neend urhaa Aah hee jaati hey ae-(x2) Tuh mill ek baar kurhey ae Main dekhu teri photo Sau sau baar kurhey aye Ki uthdey tofaan seenein vich Sau sau baar kurhey aye