The Thematic Refrain in" The fire Sermon and Death by water"
Thomas stearns Eliot was born at st. Louis, Missouri, an industrial city in the centre of the U.S.A. The boy Eliot was first sent to school at st. Louis day school. At school he was considerd a brilliant student and was a gold medal for Latin. Eliot gave up teaching and enterd the foreign department of Lloyds Bank, where he worked dealing with "documentary bills, acceptances , and foreign exchange." The publication of the waste land attracted wide interest, its technique was widely imitated and it influenced even those who were not conscious imitators. Eliot's career as a poet may be divided into five phases or periods:(1) The first phase- The poems of this period are immatur...
TREATMENT OF NATURE IN ALFRED TENNYSON POETRY Alfred Tennyson has been called a representative poet. He is one of those great writers who express in their works the very spirit of the age. Hence for an understanding of his poetry it is essential to form an idea of his age. It was at Cambridge that he first began to speak in poetry with his own voice. Before going up he had published, conjointly with Charles Tennyson, a volume entitled poems by two Brothers, but these are mere echoes of his Byron-Worship. The volume of 1830 bring out of its treasure house things new as well as old. The songs, the love-poems, are still of little account, but in Mariana, in the Ode to Memory, and in Recollection of the Arabian Nights, he already indicates his power of pictirial description; ...